Thursday, October 4, 2007

Finding Someone In Mexico - A Word About Mexico Phone Numbers

A lot of people have more information than they think they do. You may only have a phone number. I can’t tell you the amount of people who had a phone number and contacted me because the number no longer worked. I was able to help these people by explaining what may have happened to cause the phone number to no longer function.

In late 2001 Mexico changed their entire telephone system to a more standard format much like telephone numbers in the U.S. or most of Europe. All but three cities now have a three-digit area code and a seven digit telephone number. Because of their large populations, Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterey now have a unique two digit area code.

So if you have a number for a relative or friend who is living in one of these three cities and that number has seven digits, you will now need the ten digit number. What the Mexican telephone company did is add a “5” to the beginning of the old seven digit numbers. If your number was previously 223-4455, it is now 5223-4455. Let’s put this together. The Mexico country code is 52, the city code for Mexico City is 55. Your number would look like this: 52 (country code) 55 (Mexico City code) 5223-4455 (new eight digit number) or 52-55-5223-4455.

The same process was applied to Guadalajara and Monterey. Guadalajara numbers were transformed to 33 (city code) and another “3” was added to the beginning of the old seven-digit numbers. For Monterrey, numbers were transformed to 81 (city code) and another “8” was added to the beginning of the old seven-digit numbers.

What is relevant for you right now is to organize your notes and focus on finding the two key pieces of information you want to have to ensure you have the best chance of finding the person you are looking for in Mexico. You want to discover the complete name of the person and the city and state where they were living and may still be living. You may have to go back to people you already talked to. Remember that now you know what information you want to discover so you can move to the next step.

Do you know there are five top challenges stopping people from finding someone living in Mexico? Subscribe to get our FREE Special Report.

Richard Villasana
The Mexico Guru
Family & Friends Found!

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1 comment:

babymamakim18 said...

my name is kimberly and i am 17 and pregant when jose lopez ramos was over here in the united states he got me pregnant and now he is in mexico i nead help to find a way to contact him jose i 19 years old and his birthday is may/21/1989 please help me out contact me at you very much.